
Complete design and product validation (DVP) for numerous products


Since 1990, Reliable Analysis (RA) has provided testing services for many of the world’s leading automotive, military, furniture, and consumer product companies. RA performs prototype, developmental, safety, and also complete design and product validation (DVP) for numerous products.

Automotive and Military

Applus+ Reliable Analysis A has a long history of performing testing for OEM’s and their suppliers worldwide. With our corporate headquarters in Troy, Michigan and our Asian Pacific Testing Center in Shanghai, China, Reliable Analysis is able to provide local testing services for many of our multi-national customers. RA specializes in environmental, materials, mechanical, physical property, thermal, and EMC testing for the automotive industry.

Consumer Product Manufacturers

Applus+ Reliable Analysis performs testing on various consumer goods. From furniture and toys to washing machines and cell phones, Applus+ RA provides testing based on federal specifications and/or our customers individual testing requirements.


For packaging identification, Applus+ Reliable Analysis has the most advanced microscopy equipment available, including a stereo optical microscope with up to 10,000X magnification, scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) and a fourier transform infrared spectrometer (FT-IR) microscope. These instruments are used to characterize multi-layer packaging materials for layer thickness, morphology, and identification.

Textile and Leather Manufacturers

Applus+ Reliable Analysis provides testing services to many different textile and leather industries. From apparel and shoes to carpeting and furniture, we provide testing to government, OEM, and customer specific testing programs. Our wide range of testing equipment allows us to be a one stop shop for many of our customers.